• Exhibitions

Black Source

August 18, 2019 - August 20, 2019 | All Day


Chung Hsi Han


Taragaon Hall


Free Entry

“Taragaon Museum in collaboration with Siddhartha Art Gallery invites you to the exhibition of Black Source by Artist Chung Hsi Han.

In this exhibition Chung will show a combination of drawings made in his homeland, small sized 32 x 24 cm mainly charcoal and recently made drawings in his second home Nepal, sized 50 x 75 cm ink and acrylic on Nepali paper.

The title refers to the source of material being black as ashes of burnt wood or precipitated soot. Otherwise black source means for Chung the inner source where the drawings come to existence: the reign of subconsciousness. The drawings arise as a matter of course: the outcome is initially a surprise to Chung.

Only afterwards using titles Chung can indicate the meaning: ‘Black Source’ referring to origin of life like black holes or micro organisms, ‘Interior’ to internal mood like fear, brightness, always expressed in contrasts between black and white. ‘Light cannot exist without darkness like in life’. And last but not least: ‘it is never unambiguously: there is always a mystery remaining, something to be guessed for…’ The exhibition will be inaugurated by Mr. Kiran Manandhar followed by a musical ensemble of :
Rohit K.C. Guitar
Anisha Maharjan Vocals
Sabin Ghishing Flute Basuri

Come and join us!”